
Simple Explainer: You can sell your NFTs for BNB from PIPX Vaults.

PIPX introduces a selling interface that allows you to easily sell your NFTs for BNB!

Sell - Step-by-step

Choose your vault

The initial sell view shows all the current NFTs within your Wallet that you are able to sell into. In this example, we're going to select the Phoenix Class 5 vault.

Selecting NFTs

Choose the NFTs available within your Wallet to be sold.

Sell Overview

The buy overview ( right side ) will show you the NFTs you have selected and the total BNB you will receive.

Sell fee & NFTs received

The sell fee will be distributed 100% to the liquidity providers. The fee is set to a default of 10%, however, during the vault creation process, this can be changed to any value. Once the vault is published, only the Project is able to update the sell fees via a request to the Team.

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